The Day The Mesozoic Died Worksheet

The day the mesozoic died worksheet – The “Day the Mesozoic Died” worksheet invites us on an academic odyssey to delve into the cataclysmic event that marked the end of the Mesozoic Era, a pivotal moment in Earth’s history. This comprehensive resource unveils the compelling scientific evidence and theories surrounding the extinction of the dinosaurs and countless other species.

Prepare to embark on a journey through time, exploring the KT impact hypothesis, the devastating environmental consequences, and the remarkable recovery of life that ensued. The worksheet serves as an invaluable guide, fostering a profound understanding of this transformative event.

1. Introduction

The Mesozoic Era, spanning from 252 to 66 million years ago, witnessed a remarkable diversification of life on Earth. However, its end was marked by a catastrophic mass extinction event that wiped out approximately 76% of all plant and animal species.

Mass extinctions are pivotal moments in Earth’s history, shaping the course of evolution and the emergence of new species. The worksheet titled “The Day the Mesozoic Died” explores this transformative event.

2. The KT Impact Hypothesis: The Day The Mesozoic Died Worksheet

The KT impact hypothesis proposes that the Mesozoic extinction was caused by the impact of an asteroid or comet into the Gulf of Mexico 66 million years ago. Evidence supporting this theory includes the presence of a massive impact crater, known as the Chicxulub crater.

The impact triggered a chain of catastrophic events, including the formation of a global firestorm, a massive tsunami, and the release of vast amounts of dust and ash into the atmosphere.

3. The Environmental Consequences

The impact had immediate and long-lasting effects on the environment. The global firestorm incinerated vast areas of vegetation, while the tsunami devastated coastal ecosystems.

The dust and ash blocked sunlight, causing a prolonged period of darkness and cooling. This led to changes in climate, ocean chemistry, and atmospheric composition.

The extinction event decimated biodiversity, with the loss of iconic species such as the dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and marine reptiles.

4. The Recovery of Life

Following the extinction event, a process of ecological succession began. New species emerged, filling the vacant ecological niches left by the extinct species.

Adaptive radiation played a crucial role in the diversification of life after the extinction. Surviving species evolved to occupy new habitats and exploit new food sources.

5. Worksheet Analysis

The worksheet “The Day the Mesozoic Died” provides a structured approach to understanding the Mesozoic extinction event.

The worksheet includes sections on the KT impact hypothesis, the environmental consequences, and the recovery of life. Each section includes questions that guide students in analyzing the evidence and exploring the key concepts.


What is the significance of the Mesozoic Era?

The Mesozoic Era, spanning from 252 to 66 million years ago, witnessed the dominance of dinosaurs and the diversification of life on Earth.

How did the KT impact hypothesis explain the extinction event?

The KT impact hypothesis proposes that a massive asteroid or comet impact near Chicxulub, Mexico, triggered a global firestorm and tsunami, leading to widespread extinctions.

What were the long-term environmental consequences of the impact?

The impact had long-lasting effects on climate, ocean chemistry, and atmospheric composition, altering ecosystems and shaping the evolution of life.

How did life recover after the extinction event?

Ecological succession gradually reestablished ecosystems, with new species emerging and adaptive radiation contributing to the diversification of life.

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